Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Move

Well, we just got moved up here to STL. It's going to be an interesting change. I start my job in a week and Jason's working for our friend, Chris, at Pizza Hut. He's going to school at SIUE and we're in the process of trying to find daycare that's affordable for Matthew. About 2 weeks ago when we moved Jason up here we went up to Union Station on the MetroLink. Matthew loves trains and Thomas, so he really enjoyed it.
I am tired and having some issues adjusting to the time change. The house goes up for sale on Monday and we're living at my in-laws until the house sells. Well, I should probably go see what Matthew's up to.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    Glad you have a blog so I can keep up with you! Can't believe you're in! Matthew is really cute! Yes, I'm 7 wks preg and sick as a dog...NO FUN! Keep in touch, and I'll pray for you and your adjustment.
    Love you,
