Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Too much snow

I never thought I'd say that, but I have to now. We got about 6 inches of snow and ice last night out here in Mascoutah. In St Louis, they only got about 3-4 inches. We're all supposed to get another couple of inches tonight and in the morning. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't take the MetroLink and get off at Union Station and stll have to walk about a half mile each way in the snow that has been plowed up on the sidewalk. That makes for about 8-12 inches of dirty snow. And I'm not even home to play with Matthew in it! His daddy got to play in it with him because his school was cancelled today although I still had to go to work. Oh well, time to order supper.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


We got some snow earlier this week and so Matthew got to play in it for the first time. He didn't want to come back inside. He told momma "No!, No, No, No!" and then cried all the way in the house. He really enjoyed himself. It's been a few days and there is still some out there in patches. I think we're supposed to get more snow on Tuesday, or at least that's what's forecasted right now. Jason is on his way home from school and me and my MIL are about to head out to the stores. I start my job on Monday and Jason and I are going to catch the Metro in the morning to be able to see how long it'll take me to get there. I'd hate to be late the first day of work. Anyway, I love my little boy so much!! He is growing and it's hard to believe he'll be 2 in April. I've got to start planning his party. We have found him an in-home daycare that I think he's going to like. And it's virtually across the street- in actuality it's in the neighborhood across the highway from my in-laws neighborhood. We'll see how things go. The spot doesn't open up until Feb 17. Keep praying for us in our endeavors!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Move

Well, we just got moved up here to STL. It's going to be an interesting change. I start my job in a week and Jason's working for our friend, Chris, at Pizza Hut. He's going to school at SIUE and we're in the process of trying to find daycare that's affordable for Matthew. About 2 weeks ago when we moved Jason up here we went up to Union Station on the MetroLink. Matthew loves trains and Thomas, so he really enjoyed it.
I am tired and having some issues adjusting to the time change. The house goes up for sale on Monday and we're living at my in-laws until the house sells. Well, I should probably go see what Matthew's up to.